Tag Archive: Justin Bieber

Shaq’s Dance-Off Vs Justin Bieber

Shaq Vs has officially premiered, which means we’re that much closer to seeing a Shaq-Bieber dance-off.

Raw video footage has emerged of Shaq prepping for his contest with the pop star. He joined Bieber’s dance crew to try and learn some dance routines, prior to the actual dance-off, I assume.

I guess if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. He even gets his jumpshot involved when he starts to freestyle. Watch below.

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Shaq Serenades Justin Bieber

Now that Terrell Owens has been claimed, Shaquille O”Neal is undisputedly the biggest name remaining on the free-agent market of washed-up future hall of famers in any professional sport.

So with some time on his hands the Big Aristotle made his way down to one of his old team’s cities, Phoenix, where a certain teen pop sensation was performing a concert.

Not being one to back away from a once in a lifetime opportunity, Shaq made his way to the soundcheck before the concert and got a chance to show Justin Bieber his vocal skills.

I won’t be the one to judge the big fella’s talent, but I was able to surmise the following from the minute-long video: Shaq loves Justin Bieber just as much as any pre-teen girl in America.

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Check out The Sporting Rave on Twitter and Facebook, if you’re into that kinda thing.

Season 2 of the TV Show Shaq Vs, featuring the big man himself, will premiere on ABC August 3, and will contain some different elements than the first season.

In season 1 The Big Diesel faced off against different athletes at their respective sports. Ben Roethlisberger, Misty-May Treanor and Kerri Walsh, Albert Pujols, Oscar de la Hoya, and Michael Phelps were his opponents.

Now Shaq will not only face athletes, but icons of the entertainment industry as well. Pop star Justin Bieber has been confirmed as an opponent, which probably means we will get to see Shaq’s musical side and dancing skills.

No word on whether or not Shaq Daddy plans on growing his hair out for the competition. I guess it’s either that or a wig.

Teen pop sensation Justin Bieber dropped by the Today Show to put on a 30 minute concert for his committed fans (it’s difficult for a 12 year-old to get up before 8, you know) after doing an interview with host Matt Lauer.

Also on the scene was former Hartford Whalers star Brendan Shanahan and Mike Bolt, the keeper of the Stanley Cup. Yes, that Stanley Cup, the most beloved trophy in all of sports.

One thing led to another and the native Canadian and self-proclaimed Toronto Maple Leafs fan was able to pose for a few pictures with the Stanley Cup.

WithLeather has an interesting theory relating to the absence of championships won by a Canadian team in any major professional sport since Bieber was born, and that would be the fact that Bieber was born.

Let’s just be thankful that Bieber didn’t let his adoring fans get a hold of the Stanley Cup.